Block Searcher Results

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BLKPROB Version  5/21/00.1
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       | | * BLOCKS  |           |EMAIL & WWW|           |SEARCHER * | |
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                     | |  blocks@  |       | http://   | |
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                     | |   fhcrc.  |       |  fhcrc.   | |
                     | |   org     |       |  org      | |
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Here are your search results. The database searched was Blocks+ (10 June 00)
which includes: BLOCKS 12.0 consisting of 4071 blocks representing 998 groups
documented in InterPro 1.0/PROSITE, plus 3141 blocks from 498 groups documented 
in PRINTS 26.0 but not represented in BLOCKS, plus 2382 blocks from 569 groups 
documented in PFAM 5.3 but not represented in BLOCKS or PRINTS, plus
962 blocks from 250 groups documented in PRODOM 99.1 but not represented in
BLOCKS, PRINTS or PFAM, plus 282 blocks from 76 groups documented in DOMO 2.0
but not represented in BLOCKS, PRINTS, PFAM or PRODOM for a total of 10,838
blocks from 2391 groups.  Get more information at
If you found the Blocks Searcher useful, please cite:
   S Henikoff & JG Henikoff, "Protein family classification
   based on searching a database of blocks", Genomics 19:97-107 (1994).
Please report problems to:
Each hit consists of one or more blocks from a protein group found
in the query sequence. One set of the highest-scoring blocks that are in the 
correct order and separated by distances comparable to the Blocks database is 
selected for analysis. If this set includes multiple blocks the probability 
that the lower scoring blocks support the highest scoring block is reported. 
Maps of the database blocks and query sequence are shown:
AAA represents a block roughly in proportion to its width.
  : represents the minimum distance between blocks in the database.
  . represents the maximum distance between blocks in the database.
< > indicate the sequence has been truncated to fit the page.
The query map is aligned on the highest scoring block. Multiple block hits 
that are consistent with the highest scoring block are separated by colons.
Block hits that are not consistent are mapped below. The alignment of the
query sequence with the sequence closest to it in the BLOCKS database is
shown. The distance between detected blocks is listed as (min, max): for the
database entry followed by the distance in the query. Upper case in the query
indicates at least one occurrence of the residue in that column of the block.

Note: For searches using DNA queries, "Location" refers to the position
in the query in base pairs from 5' to 3' on the + strand, whereas the map and 
alignment show the translated position in amino acid residues.

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Query=Unknown Unknown Size=701 Amino Acids Blocks Searched=10838 Alignments Done= 7865298 Cutoff combined expected value for hits= 5 Cutoff block expected value for repeats/other= 5 ============================================================================== Combined Family Strand Blocks E-value IPB001156 Transferrin 1 3 of 3 1.4e-69 PF01716 Manganese-stabilizing protein / pho 1 1 of 6 1.4 BP03122 COPPER GLYCOPROTEIN BLUE PROTEIN EL 1 1 of 3 1.5 IPB000006 Class I metallothionein 1 1 of 1 2.4 IPB001138 Fungal transcriptional regulatory p 1 1 of 1 3 PR01239 CYP52 P450 protein signature 1 1 of 4 3.4 PF00878 Cation-independent mannose-6-phosph 1 1 of 26 3.4 PR01223 Bride of sevenless protein signatur 1 1 of 7 3.9 PR00500 Polycystic kidney disease protein s 1 1 of 9 4.9 ============================================================================== >IPB001156 3/3 blocks Combined E-value= 1.4e-69: Transferrin Block Frame Location (aa) Block E-value IPB001156A 0 26-39 2.6e-08 IPB001156B 0 109-149 2.8e-31 IPB001156C 0 199-236 1.4e-27 Up to 45 repeats expected: IPB001156A 0 354-367 5.6e-07 IPB001156C 0 527-564 0.00026 IPB001156C 0 526-563 0.51 Other reported alignments: |--- 366 amino acids---| IPB001156 A::::......................BBB:::........................CCC Unknown ::A:::::BBB:::CCC Unknown A CCC Unknown CCC IPB001156A <->A (5,373):25 TRFE_ONCKI|P79815 25 VRWCVKSEKELKKC ||||||| ||||| Unknown 26 VRWCVKSNSELKKC 354 VRWCTQSKAEKTKC IPB001156B A<->B (63,389):69 TRFE_XENLA|P20233 109 TCYYAVAVVKKSSKFTFDELKDKKSCHTGIGKTAGWNIIIG ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Unknown 109 TCYYAVAVVKKSSKFTFDELKDKKSCHTGIGKTAGWNIIIG IPB001156C B<->C (42,397):49 TRFE_XENLA|P20233 199 KCSRSNNEPYYNYAGAFKCLQDDQGDVAFVKQSTVPEE |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Unknown 199 KCSRSNNEPYYNYAGAFKCLQDDQGDVAFVKQSTVPEE 527 KCSPSasEaYYGYSGAFRCLVEkGqvgfakhtTvfent 526 KkcSpSaseaYygYSgafrclveKGQVgFaKHTTVFEN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >PF01716 1/6 blocks Combined E-value= 1.4: Manganese-stabilizing protein / photosystem II polypeptide Block Frame Location (aa) Block E-value PF01716A 0 8-19 1.4 Other reported alignments: |--- 129 amino acids---| PF01716 AA.........BBBBB..CCCCCCCCC::DDDDDDD::..EEEEEE:::::.FFFFFFF Unknown AA PF01716A <->A (4,64):7 PSBO_ANASP|P13907 5 ALIVAILAVCLG || || || Unknown 8 ALcLSMLALCLA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >BP03122 1/3 blocks Combined E-value= 1.5: COPPER GLYCOPROTEIN BLUE PROTEIN ELECTRON TRANSPORT PR Block Frame Location (aa) Block E-value BP03122A 0 470-479 1.5 Other reported alignments: |--- 42 amino acids---| BP03122 AAAAAA:::...BBBBBBBBBBBBBB::::::::::.......CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Unknown AAAAAA BP03122A <->A (4,28):469 BCP_PEA|Q41001 29 VGDTSGWVIG || | || | Unknown 470 VGrTAGWnIP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >IPB000006 1/1 blocks Combined E-value= 2.4: Class I metallothionein Block Frame Location (aa) Block E-value IPB000006 0 42-87 2.3 **biased** Other reported alignments: IPB000006 0 479-524 2.4 IPB000006 <-> MT1H_BOVIN|P55942 15 CASTCKCKECKCTSCKKSCCSCCPVGCAKCAQGCICKGASDKCSCC ||| || | || | || | Unknown 42 lvDTCKnKEiKlSCveKSntDeCstaiqedhaDaICvDGgDvyKgs 479 pvGliTSETANCdfasyvgeSCaPGSdvKsnlcalCIGDPEKlSEr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >IPB001138 1/1 blocks Combined E-value= 3: Fungal transcriptional regulatory protein, N-terminus Block Frame Location (aa) Block E-value IPB001138 0 357-368 3.1 Other reported alignments: IPB001138 <-> YK44_YEAST|P36023 19 CTNCKKRKSKCD || | | ||| Unknown 357 CTQsKAeKTKCD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >PR01239 1/4 blocks Combined E-value= 3.4: CYP52 P450 protein signature Block Frame Location (aa) Block E-value PR01239C 0 39-59 3.4 Other reported alignments: |--- 154 amino acids---| PR01239 AAAA::BBB:::::::::::::.............CCC:::::::::::::::::..DDD Unknown ::::::CCC PR01239C <->C (240,350):38 O74128|O74128 258 VHAFVDHYVEKALANSDEEKS || | | ||| Unknown 39 CKDLVDtCkNKeIKLSCvEKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >PF00878 1/26 blocks Combined E-value= 3.4: Cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor repeat Block Frame Location (aa) Block E-value PF00878Y 0 177-231 3.3 Other reported alignments: |--- 563 amino acids---| PF00878 AABBCC:DDEFF:GGHII::JJKKLMM:NNOOPQQRR::SS:TUUVWW::XX:YY:::Z Unknown ::::::::YY PF00878Y <->Y (1267,1291):176 MPRI_MOUSE|Q07113 1272 VSSCQEKKGPQGFQKVAGLLSQKLTFENGLLKMNYTGGDTCHKVYQRSTTIYFYC | | | | || | | || | | | Unknown 177 aScvpgaKEPklsQlcAGikehKcsrsNnepyyNYaGafkClqddQgdvAfvkqs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >PR01223 1/7 blocks Combined E-value= 3.9: Bride of sevenless protein signature Block Frame Location (aa) Block E-value PR01223E 0 572-595 4 Other reported alignments: |--- 103 amino acids---| PR01223 AAAAAA:::BBBBBB:::::CCCCCCC:::DDDDDD:::EEEEEE::FFFFFF:GGGGGG Unknown <::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::EEEEEE PR01223E <->E (690,714):571 BOSS_DROME|P22815 693 WLWGLLAYDFALLCCVGALIPSIY | | || ||| | | Unknown 572 WakdLkseDFeLLCpdGSraPvtd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >PR00500 1/9 blocks Combined E-value= 4.9: Polycystic kidney disease protein signature Block Frame Location (aa) Block E-value PR00500D 0 529-549 4.9 Other reported alignments: |--- 1366 amino acids---| PR00500 A:.B:..C::D::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...........E::FG::H::I Unknown ::::::::::D PR00500D <->D (309,436):528 Q15140 406 CPSDTEIFPGNGHCYRLVVEK || | | | ||| Unknown 529 sPSasEayyGysgafRclVEK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 possible hits reported

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